Monday, February 20, 2006

Kids Are Fun

2006-02-19 016
Originally uploaded by shanrev.

Being a mom isn't the easiest job in the world. Gee isn't that an understatement. It's hard to love being a mom when your pre-schooler decides to be the very definition of difficult all day and your baby does nothing but cry endlessly. In my brief experience I usually have at least one moment a day when I fall in love all over again and think yes, this is why I wanted to have kids. It might be something funny Abby says. Or how sweet she is with her sister. Or those quiet moments when it's just Maya and I and she lays in my arms half asleep making funny faces. Today my cup runneth over with very funny special moments.

When Abby got home from church I asked her, as I do after church every Sunday, if she would like to change out of her dress. She declined, saying she wanted to wear her dress. Fine by me that equates to less laundry, sign me up for that any day. Off she scampered to our room to watch cartoons. She actually wanted to watch a movie on our TV, but it was Daytona 500 day and Daddy wasn't about to share the TV. She couldn't watch the TV in the toy room because all of the sudden it's dying a slow painful death. Mike's Dad only bought that TV at the grocery store in 1983, they don't make anything to last these days.

She wasn't upstairs more than 5 minutes before I checked on her. The same little girl who wanted to keep her dress on had stripped off her tights, skirt and underpants.

Me: You took your clothes off.

Abby: Yeah what are you going to do about it?

She wasn't saying it in a mouthy way, but just asking a quesion because that's what Max said on Foster's Home of Imaginary Friends. So i headed upstairs and got her dressed again and left her to jumping on our bed. Before too much longer Mike reported that she was naked again.

Me: Why are yor clothes off again?

Abby: Well I'm just so tired.

Since I needed to feed Maya I left her to get herself dressed. A few minutes later I can hear her coming downstairs so I called to her that is she didn't have clothes on I didn't want to see her in the living room. She didn't say a word, just turned around and headed back upstairs. I gave in and got her dressed one last time and that one stuck, she didn't take off her clothes again for the rest of the day.

Now that she was bored with the streaking she focused her attention on my camera. Abby loves to have her picture taken. loves looking at pictures and is very interested in taking pictures. Another benefit of the digital camera, I can let her snap away without wasting film. She sot a picture of me, that was actually not bad. Then she was on to Mike. It took heer a couple of tries for her to get a picture that included his head, but she kept at it. Turned out to be an okay picture if you don't mind looking up his nose.

Maya was next on her list and she got a rather nice picture of her. Maya had been having a bit of an off day. She would sleep for an hour or so and wake up crying. Very unlike her. I quickly noticed that she would cry until she managed to fart a few times and then she'd be alright for a while. Her face would go beet red and it was easy to see she was straining to do something, but besides the farting nothing else was doing. Shortly after the picture taking started she got fussy again. Mike picked her up and tried to soothe her. Poor little thing finally managed to poop and calmed down. Mike is always too quick to change a poopie bum and it usually ends up biting him in the ass. Today was no different.

He no sooner had her on the change table when I hear him yelling, "oh GOd shan, come quick. Hurry I need help." I could hear the panic in his voice and I came running. As I almost get to the change table he yells, "and watch your step." Maya is, apparently, in training for the poop Olympics, the shotput. As soon as Mike got her diaper off she fired out a poop like it came out of a cannon. It started in the laundry room and landed in the bathroom a full 7.5 feet from where it started. She felt a whole lot better after that I have to tell you. You had to see it to believe it, so I took a picture. Click on Maya's feet and it's in my photostream.

Abby at that moment turned into Annie Liebowitz. She took several angles of the poop spray. Some of Mike cleaning up. She was a real little photo journalist. Then she decided to do a photo essay of Maya's body parts, hence the pic of the feet. She also wanted a picture of Maya's nose, but I didn't think her retinas could handle the flash being a quarter inch from her face. I made her step back a few steps so I hink you'll agree the pictures lost some of their artistic integrity. Abby's pictures are in my photostream too, so check them out.

So that was our funny crazy day. How boring our day would have been without the kids.

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