2006-02-25 025
Originally uploaded by shanrev.
Apparently the universe wants to know. Where exactly my limit is. They've come close, very close, thisclose.
Well no post yesterday and I feel terrible about it, I really do. The only thing that's keeping me from feeling too horrible about it is that Mel doesn't work on the weekends. I know she likes to check in often to keep up with what's going on here at the homestead. My excuse for not posting yesterday was complete and utter exhaustion. Mental, physical and emotional exhaustion.
I thought we had managed to work out a bit of a routine around here. Something a little bit predictable, but you kow what happens as soon as you start thinking that. Total chaos. First Maya went from being and easy happy baby, just sleeping and eating to being the baby that screamed bloody murder if I merely contemplated the thought of her sleeping anywhere else, but on my body. Wouldn't you know it, our baby swing that was my lifeline when Abby was small and fussy does not work. Mike got it out last week and the motor won't keep the swing moving. So Mike and Yoles went to Once Upon a Child and picked up one second hand. New ones are around $100.00 for the plain jane ones and Mike spent $34.00. Pretty good deal. Of course it still seemed like a lot of money since my unemployment hasn't gone through yet. A miscommunication at work regrading my record of employment and the craziness of being at the hospital meant I couldn't file as quick as I would have liked. Hopefully I will have a cheque soon.
I've ended up seeing the wee hours of the morning with Maya more nights than I want to think about. I've watched a lot of Oprah the last couple of days. I got her box set for Christmas (thanks Robin). So there's been me and Maya watching Oprah at 3 in the morning. It's a great set, but it's a tearjerker. Today has been marginally better. I managed to finally get her to sleep in her car seat around 3:30 this morning. Twice today she's napped in her crib, but here we are at 11:38 and she's kind of dozing on my lap here, but she keeps popping her eyes open to see if I still have her. Who knows what tonight will bring.
The common cold has also descended upon us. Abby has a very nasty runny nose. horrible dry cough and very attractive chapped red cheeks. Maya so far just has the runny nose which hasn't been too out of control yet, touch wood. Mike has it the worst and, as is to be expected, is complaining the most and the loudest. I started to feel this morning like my turn is probably coming shortly. It's frusterating because, like I said, we were starting to settle into a routine and we were ready to start visiting. There's lots of people we'd like Maya to meet, friends and family and this has thrown a monkey wrench in the whole thing.
Abby's itching to get back to our more social lifestyle as well. My cousins stopped by unexpectedly this afternoon because they were in the area and Abby was disappointed when they walked in the house with the kids that it wasn't her beloved Kailey and Breanne. She's dying to see them and keeps saying she wants them to meet her Baby Maya. We keep promising her that soon we will see them, but it's hard to say when exactly. That's just one stop on our list. There's Aunts and Uncles and more cousins not to mention my Mom. I haven't seen her in a while. Or even talked to her. Yes Mom, I am still alive, don't panic. I still have Christmas gifts to exchange with someone. Miss her bunches, haven't talked to her in over a week. Same with Robin, but I'm lucky to have understanding friends, who I know will cut me some slack for a little while. In the end Abby decided that some kids were better than none and her and Ashley both were upset when it was time for them to leave.
On top of all this Abby's had a personality change herself. I'm not sure if it's the cold or that's she lacking the level of attention she's used to. Probably a combination of both. Yesterday she flat out refused to clean up her playdoh mess so by the end of that fight she did put her playdoh away, but she lost her puzzles and her movies for the following day. Smart Mom I am I put them on the top shelf of the closet. The bouncer is in the closet on a dolly and the little monkey climbed up the dolly like it was a ladder and got her puzzles down. Mike got photgraphic evidence, check it out in my photostream. Today she made it her personal mission to climb everywhere and anywhere she wasn't supposed to. I was surprised I didn't find her hanging from the ceiling fan. Not clearing the table for dinner lost her the puzzles again for tomorrow. It was Mike's project to put them in a place she wouldnt' be able to access. Slamming the closet doors means no watching movies tomorrow. To avoid a fit of frusteration (mine, not hers or even more surprisingly not Mike's) I let her play one of her computer games. The huge crash that followed shortly after was the keyboard tray, keyboard and mouse flipping out of the desk and onto the floor. That bought her an early bedtime.
I have to admit I was totally at my limit. I knew I didn't have much left in me. Mike had passed his limit hours ago, so I knew I had to go the distance myself. I guess God thought now would be a good time for a test and it was a whopper. For some, inexplicable reason, Abby climbed up on my dresser. Oh somebody remind me to thank Michael for teaching her that drawers make excellent stairs. Standing on my dresser she can reach the top of our built in shelves. On said shelf was a travel sized bottle of baby oil. Remind me to thank whoever gave us that! Now I'm downstairs collecting the bedtime necessities; a cup of cold water, her potty and so on. As I head up stairs I thought to myself why do I smell baby powder? Abby was in our room and I didn't notice anything amiss. Then she pointed out to me that her sleeve was wet. I grabbed her arm and took a sniff. Well that's where at least some of the baby powder smell is coming from. I can tell from the shine on her hands what she's done. Now I just have to find out where the bottle is and if she dispensed more than what was soaked into her jammies. So the interogation begins, but I've mentioned before she doesn't give up information easily. She tells me she wants to be a "Totally Spies" and I think she's in training already. She finally cracks and shows me how and where she got the baby oil from. She brings me the empty bottle so now I just have to find out what she's done with the rest of it. Is it wrong to be happy/relieved that she squirted it all over her own room and not mine? There was puddles on her dresser, a bit on her floor and the bulk of the bottle went onto and ultimately into her toy chest in her closet. Luckily for her there wasn't anything in it but a blanket. So the blanket soaked up the majority. All of this is totally out of character for her which is the only thing that kept me from losing it. I warned her that she could expect a pretty boring day tomorrow. There's not going to be much she can do that she would consider fun. It's going to be a hell of a long day I think.
Anybody know how to get a lot of baby oil out of a blanket? Email me and let me know. sm.revill at sympatico dot ca. Lots of new pictures to look at, so check them out.
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