Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Take a Test Tuesday - What TV Mom Are You?

Well I thought it would be fun to try out some theme posts. I've picked two days a week in which I'll discuss a certain topic. Now I love taking tests and the internet is full of ridiculous and often time wasting tests. My favourite spot to take these tests, before I had Maya and I had some time on my hands, was at Tickle.com. So for the time being Tuesday's will be Take a Test Tuesday. I'll post the results of the test I've decided to take for the week and blog about the accuracy.

For the very first Take a Test Tuesday I've picked What TV Mom Are You? And the envelope please........

Take this test at Tickle

Your TV Mom is Claire Huxtable

Which TV Mom Are You?

Brought to you by Tickle

This test caught my eye because I love being a Mom and I love TV. So which TV Mom would I be I wondered. To be honest I couldn't think of which TV Mom I most resembled. I was pleasantly surprised with the results. Reading their description I think it's pretty accurate.

Nothing is more fun to me than spending time with my family. As much as I can be serious when the occasion warrants it I also know it's important to be silly. Although I'm not sure I'd take the time to turn our entire house into a fake apartment to teach one of my children an important life lesson. Nor will we be working on a lip synching show for the grandparent's anniversary. I'll also never possess Claire's fashion sense, but I do want and expect the best from my kids. I want them to be able to come to me with their problems and have a home where their friends feel welcome. It's also very true that when it comes to discipline I handle it coolly and calmly. Yelling never adds anything except to get everybody agitated and inevitably prolongs the process. Of course I'm only human so what sounds good in theory is sometimes only a reality 85 to 95 percent of the time. It's hard to keep from yelling when you walk in to the kitchen and find your daughter standing on the kitchen table with the light fixture swinging wildly over her head. I do truly hope this test is correct in it's prediction that the girls will grow up with "unwavering respect for you". Most of all I want the girls to be respectful, not just of me, but of themselves and other people and situations they will encounter along the way. Whether they agree with what they are presented with or not.

So what TV Mom do you think you are? Go ahead take the test, I'll wait. Drop me an email or leave a comment and let me know your results.


Anonymous said...

June Cleaver, a little extreme don't ya think? lolwqqiui

Shan said...

Not too much. Not now maybe, but you were certainly more June Cleaver-ish when we were kids.