Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Take a Test Tuesday - Who's Your Inner Rock Star?

What a great test. I mean who secretly doesn't want to be a rock star. Even Abby wants to be one. Seriously. Just ask her what she wants to be when she grows up. So who is my inner rock star?

Take this test at Tickle

Your inner rock star is Britney Spears!

Who's Your Inner Rock Star?

Brought to you by Tickle

Oh. My. God. Where do I even start with this. Britney Spears! Are you kidding me. First of all Britney Spears is not a rock star. Oh no. I'm sure that actual rock stars, like Deborah Harry, paused just now as an unexplained shudder went up their back. Secondly, Britney Spears is just..... well dirty. This tests claim that she's "one part girl next door and one part naughty sex kitten" is just slightly off the mark for both of us. Come on Britney hasn't been even a tiny bit girl next door in a very long time. This is not the girl next door I want my daughters growing up like.

As for me.... well I asked Mike a few days ago if he thought I was part naughty sex kitten and folks he is still laughing. The results also refer to Brit as "the Ultimate American Girl". Two thoughts on that one..... first what the hell does that say about America and secondly, thank God I live in Canada. Seriously America I wouldn't be bragging. As for the rest of it... "you and Britney are more than just a pretty face"... true.... "you've got talent".... Well that might be stretching it a bit for both of us. Is lip-synching a talent? "and the brains to back it up". Well I like to think I'm a bit on the smart side, but as for Brit.... well have you met K-Fed? Not exactly a genius move I'm thinking.

Tickle, I've got to tell you I'm not exactly impressed with this test. I think it's way off the mark in many ways. Now to be fair to you Tickle, this test was in the Teen section and no teen around is going to have any idea who Deborah Harry is. So I guess in their limited view of the world Britney Spears would be a rock star. Lord help us all if parents are letting their daughters go around believing Britney's a good role model. I think Abby and I need to have a long talk this afternoon.

Tickle's Take a Test Tuesday Score:
3 wins : 1 loss

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