Friday, May 19, 2006


So this morning Abby stops me on the way to the shower.

Abby: Mom, what are you doing with that orange shirt?
Me: I'm going to wear it.
Abby: No don't wear it Mom. I don't like that shirt.

Fast foward to me being out of the shower and dressed in the orange shirt. I was brushing my hair in the bathroom mirror when I felt a little hand rubbing my back, oh so gently.

Abby: Mom are you really going to wear this shirt?

Nothing like a three year old to make you feel good about yourself. I feel I must mention that this fashion advice is coming from the kid who yesterday I found walking around the house in just her running shoes. Nothing else. Today it was purple pumps and her Cinderella underpants. That's it. And according to Abby, her underpants "weren't working". Yeah that's cause they were on backwards kiddo.

2006-05-19 001

It doesn't look that horrible does it?

2006-05-19 009

This is a picture Abby took of herself this afternoon. I'd like to point out if you look closely at her arm you'll notice she picked out an orange shirt to wear today. Actually it's a zip up sweat jacket that has matching orange pants with a retro stripe package running down the leg and arm. She looks like a little Jack LaLane in it.
2006-05-19 004

Since I'm an equal opportunity Mom; doesn't Maya look adorable?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maya is adorable and looks just like you.

My 5 year old gives me fashion advice all the time. Yeah. Like I'm gonna listen to a kid who goes to school in a My Little Pony bathing suit over a velour track suit.