Thursday, June 01, 2006

The One Where I Consider Having Mike Nominated Father of the Year

The Players: Mike, Shannon and Maya

The Setting: Mike has just arrived home from work and is greeted by Shannon and Maya at the door.

The Back Story: Abby had a sleepover at Grandma Sandi's the previous night. Mike was to pick her up on his way home from work.

Mike: Hi girls. How was your day?
Me: Fine.
Mike: That's good.
Me: Umm where is she?
Mike: Where is who?
Me: Our other kid.
There is silence. Michael stares blankly
Mike: Oh shit! I forgot her!
Me: Way to go genius.
Mike: But I did remember this.
Michael opens a shopping bag and pulls out a box of baby oatmeal cereal.
Me: She can't eat that yet. I asked you to pick up rice cereal.
Mike: Well what difference does it make?
Me: One is rice and one is oatmeal, that's the difference.

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