Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Transcript of a Marital Moment

I don't think Mike ever reads my blog, but if he does he never mentions it to me. So I was caught of guard tonight when from the kitchen I could hear him laughing at whatever he was doing on the internet.

Me: What's so funny?
Mike: I'm reading your blog.
Me: Oh?!?
Mike: I can't believe you wrote about your pyjamas.
Me: *shrug*
Mike: People are going to think I ripped them off you.
Me: Umm.... you did.

NaBloPoMo blog of the day - All this and more

This is a brand new blog for me. I just happened to pick it at random from the NaBloPoMo master list. When I realized that this particular blogger was also a "Shan" I was instantly intrigued. I haven't come across all that many Shannon's in my life time. As I read on I noticed that this other Shan also had a daughter named Maya. I almost fell out of my chair, well okay that's because it's a 5 wheeled chair that only has four wheels so I nearly fall out of it hundreds of times a day. Still, pretty cool isn't it? This, of course, just further proves the theory that great minds think alike.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Michelle and I wear powder blue flannel snowman jammie pants. I don't like to imagine the day that something terrible might befall them, but I think that when I see they are starting to fray, I'll throw a suggestion my fiancé's way. Thanks for the idea Shan (and Mike)! P.S. I found your blog randomly through the NaBloPoMo page and am busily catching up :)