Monday, January 15, 2007

Day one, over.

Maya woke me up at about 5:30 and since I wasn't quite ready to get up and face the world I brought her back into bed with me. I still had time before the alarm went off and I was going to spend my last 30 minutes of mat leave snuggling with my baby. Now typically Maya sees being in our bed as an open invitation to crawl over us in an apparent race to see how quickly she can send herself catapulting off the edge. Colour me surprised when she wanted to do nothing more than snuggle. It was like she knew this morning was the end of something and the beginning of something new. After a few minutes Mike got up and left us alone. Maya sat, curled against me, her head resting against my chest letting me rub her back and play with her hair. Something she usually never tolerates. It was the perfect send off.

Getting back to work was pretty anticlimactic, well aside from the weather. Winter picked today of all days to show up complete with freezing rain, snow flurries and a power outage that lasted several hours. Other than that it was business as usual. It all came back to me so quick I could have been off for just a week instead of 52 of them. The girls did great. They were home today, Abby had a snowday, with Grandma Sandi who was kind enough to have them meet me at the door today. Actually Abby had flung the door open as I was coming up the walkway to yell, "Mom did you have fun at work today?"

Tomorrow will be the real test as it's their first day at the sitter's. Well not for Abby she's an old pro, but Maya, well I'm not sure how well she'll handle it initially. As our sitter says, "she won't be the first kid to cry and she won't be the last." I'm pretty confident that a woman who's had over 100 kids pass through her care, Michael included, can manage a little separation anxiety. I think my being back to work will be good for Maya. She's very much Mommy's girl, no where near as independent as Abby was at the same age. Which is no real surprise since I was a different kind of Mom with Maya, more protective, less willing to hand her off or to be away from her. I think it might be a little tough initially, but I'm hopefully for a quick transition.


Karen said...

I wish you lots of good wishes with the transition. Going back to work after my first, Emily, was the hardest thing I ever did. She was a crier at daycare and it tore me apart. Hopefully you won't have that experience and everything will go great! And, hey, now you get adult conversation on an hourly basis - definitely worth the pain!

Shan said...

I guess I lucked out and neither one of my girls are criers. That sometimes stings just as much. The idea they can make do without you.