Sunday, February 18, 2007

I saw your picture today

Last week at work we got talking about pictures; taking pictures, having our pictures taken, pictures of our kids and such. Not surprisingly it seems the general consensus is we don't like having our picture taken.

It's no secret that I'm a picture taker. Hell I've uploaded over 700 pictures to my flickr account in the last year and folks that's just the tip of the iceberg. My kids are enjoying a well documented childhood. This is important to me for many reasons, but the biggest motivating factor is losing my dad at a young age. Between my brother and I we have a large collection of family pictures. There's pictures of David pretending to be Spiderman with a tea towel clothespinned to his PJ's. Pictures of our first day of school. Pictures of my acting debut as the "five golden rings" in grade school. Pictures of us with Mom at Niagara Falls. Pictures of us with Mom camping. Are you seeing a pattern? It appears that more often than not Dad was behind the camera. Somebody had to do it right?


What we have here is a some what rare photo of the four of us together. (Aww the 70's, that was a stylish decade wasn't it?) When you're a kid you love having your picture taken. You smile wide. You look relaxed. Then you grow up and develop anxieties, insecurities and hang ups. You wish you were skinnier, taller, shorter, prettier and/or a million other little things you'd like to change and I'm no different from anybody else.

Then along came Abby followed by Maya. Somewhere between here and there, while I was snapping a billion pictures of them, I realized something. They don't care. Abby and Maya don't care. All the insecurities are mine, not theirs. To them I'm Mom and that makes me pretty amazing right there. So for them I make an effort to turn the camera on myself more than I used to.

2007-02-08 013

2007-02-16 004 (10)


Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Brava! And although your dad may be gone, boy does his face live on in you :)

Anonymous said...

awwwwwwk the hair lol

Shan said...

Thanks, I get that a lot actually. It's a nice connection to have.

The hair? Mom, what about the glasses? Don't worry you were very fashion forward at the time.

Anonymous said...

wow~~~..does dave ever look like yur dad!...its amazing....and maya like u, its uncanny!!...yet very cool!!
yur mom makes me giggle!!...she looks so different now...

Shan said...

You should see him when he's grown a beard. It's pretty red like Dad's. For a while on his blog he had a picture of the bottom half of his face, with a beard and it was so much like Dad it was freaky.

Maya now looks so much like my baby pictures.

Mom looks totally different now. It's funny to look back at what we thought was fashionable.