Saturday, February 17, 2007

What a save

One of the great things about living with a four year is the non stop hilarity. She's seriously funny almost all the time. One of my favourite things to do is to coach her on stuff to say to her Dad just to make him laugh. What do I teach her? Well things like this....

See, I told you funny stuff.

Anyway a little while ago I suggested to her that she go pinch her Dad on the waist and tell him that she liked his muffin top. Which, as I knew it would, made Michael laugh. Wanting to keep the game going Abby whispered the following directive in my ear..... "Mom, go tell Daddy you like his wiener."

So after I picked my jaw up off the floor, I thought thank you very much ten year old boys who ride her school bus. Then I attempted to have a serious, age appropriate, conversation about the difference between boys and girls, private areas and why it's not polite to talk about somebody's wiener all with a straight face. I thought a good place to straight would be the correct names for the body parts in question. It should have come as no surprise that to a four year old penis and vagina are about the funniest words in the world. So much for our serious conversation. I also may have stressed "never let anyone touch your private areas" too much since a small pat on the bum as she climbed on the couch had her yelling, "Don't touch my area! Mommy said! Mommmmeeee, Daddy was touching my area!"

I have said many times how amazed I am at the amount Abby has learned at school in a short period of time, from both her teacher and her school mates. Something that is not always a blessing. Not when she comes home repeating what she's heard from the older kids, things like loser, stupid and wiener. I have to admit the wiener bit was the icing on the cake. Since then we've really been stressing being respectful and trying to keep the "potty talk" to a minimum.

All of this brings us to our trip downtown for the hockey game last night. Abby, thrilled beyond belief to be going, was talking a mile a minute. Non stop chatter that got sillier and sillier as we got closer to our destination. Not long after she busted out the knock knock jokes she loudly declared to the van, "Daddy has a wiener!" The adults were silent, the only noise Abby's giggles.

"Abby, " I started, somewhat sternly. "We talked about this, when is it appropriate to..."

It was here she interrupted me, "Mom, I was just talking about a hot dog."

And that was a better save than any we saw at the game.


Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Ooh, this one's gonna be a wordsmith. Or a politician. Too clever :)

Anonymous said...

I'm with you Sognatrice, that little girl doesn't miss a beat.
Shan's got her work cut out for her! lol.

Unknown said...

teach her twig and berries, or meat and two's way more funny when it's someone else's kid.

Shan said...

Michelle, I was thinking lawyer, but politician is a good one too. Now I just have to make sure that she always uses this power for good and not evil.

Mom, can you imagine her as a teenager? Lord help us.

Heather, I'm actually surprised Mike hasn't done that yet. Yep, I'd be laughing much harder if I had read this on your blog.

shan said...

Ha! My Maya has been saying wiener, too, at any good opportunity. Kids. Oh, to distract her from "wiener", you could teach her the diarrhea song!

Shan said...

There's a diarrhea song?