Friday, February 01, 2008

friday flashback - the one with the hall of fame

I have always been a big fan of board games. Which would explain Family Game Night, but with a five year old the games tend to be more of the Candyland, Memory, Uno and Monopoly Junior variety. Now I do enjoy those, don't get me wrong, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I was looking forward to the days where we can move into games like Trivial Pursuit, Pictionary and Scrabble. I have always loved Scrabble ever since I got Scrabble Junior when I was a kid (do they still make that?). Thankfully somebody invented Scrabulous over at Facebook, which is a Scrabble rip off. I'd tell you not to mention it to Hasboro, but I think they already know. Anyway I may be addicted to Scrabulous or at least that's what the 16 games I am currently playing are leading me to believe, but this post isn't really about me.

Now Mike's Grandma was just about one of the sweetest ladies you'd ever want to meet. I remember the first Christmas present she ever gave me. Well to be honest I don't really remember the gift, but I remember the tag. It was signed From Mike's Grandma. I assumed it was because Mrs. C*** sounded too formal, but I certainly couldn't (and wouldn't btw) call her Ida and I really hadn't been around long enough to actually call her Grandma. To be honest I tried my best to avoid calling her anything until Mike and I were married and then she was Grandma. There was so much that was special about Grandma. She was one of the most unintentionally funny people I'd ever met. She loved puzzles and almost always had one on the go. She was also an incredible knitter and we were lucky that Abby Ida Leanne came along in enough time that Grandma could gift us and her with some of her handiwork. That would be a newborn Abby wrapped in a Grandma Ida blanket, please note the brand new exhausted Mom look on my face.


One of the other things Grandma loved was Scrabble. She even had one of those fancy turn table boards that I 'm not sure I had ever seen before hers. Back in those days I was a mediocre player, at best. These endless games of Scrabulous have really improved my game play, but I still haven't had a 300 game. Now a game in which you scored over 300 points was an important thing because that's what got you on the box lid. The inside of the box lid to Grandma's Scrabble game was a hall of fame of sorts. There she listed any player that scored over 300 points in a game. This is something I plan on continuing when Scrabble becomes one of our Family Game Night staples. Until then Scrabulous will do, even if there isn't a hall of fame box top.


Leah said...

What a wonderful woman Grandma Ida is! She sounds very special!

And isn't Scrabulous great?!?

Kellan said...

She looks and sounds like she was a wonderful lady!! I love the picture - the baby has a head of hair doesn't she? Like my Little Billy when he was born - full head and really dark - he still does.

You are welcome for the award - it is my pleasure - have a good weekend. Kellan

Shan said...

leah - she was an incredible woman. And I love Scrabulous. Mike and I almost always have a game going between us. If you want to play, let me know.

kellan - yes she had one heck of a head of hair. The nurses in NICU couldn't stop talking about it. Never did lose a strand either.