little chef
Abby is endlessly interested in learning how to cook. Whenever she seems me at the stove or in the kitchen she's right there at my elbow reminding me I need to teach her how to cook because if I don't then she won't know how. That's five year old logic at it's best folks. So when I saw this little number at a craft sale with Grandma Linda I knew immediately that she would love it.
And then, Mom of the year that I am, I forgot to tuck it in her stocking. Go me! Even still she was delighted with it and now I can't even breathe in the kitchen without her running for her apron reminding me she needs to learn how to cook.
What a cutie! Seems like she likes it just a bit ;)
very cute....
Really cute apron, why can't us kids have ones that cute. Have you thought about trying to find her, her "own" cookbook? I bought one for Lucy this summer and gave it at christmas. Companys Coming Kids Cooking. Now once a week she picks the recipe and helps make it.
BE - just a titch.
Darlene - thanks:)
Sam - I actually hadn't thought of that, but it's a great idea for her birthday. She would love it. Thanks for the idea.
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