Saturday, February 02, 2008

little chef

Abby is endlessly interested in learning how to cook. Whenever she seems me at the stove or in the kitchen she's right there at my elbow reminding me I need to teach her how to cook because if I don't then she won't know how. That's five year old logic at it's best folks. So when I saw this little number at a craft sale with Grandma Linda I knew immediately that she would love it.

And then, Mom of the year that I am, I forgot to tuck it in her stocking. Go me! Even still she was delighted with it and now I can't even breathe in the kitchen without her running for her apron reminding me she needs to learn how to cook.

2008-01-02 006


Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

What a cutie! Seems like she likes it just a bit ;)

darlene said...

very cute....

Sam said...

Really cute apron, why can't us kids have ones that cute. Have you thought about trying to find her, her "own" cookbook? I bought one for Lucy this summer and gave it at christmas. Companys Coming Kids Cooking. Now once a week she picks the recipe and helps make it.

Shan said...

BE - just a titch.

Darlene - thanks:)

Sam - I actually hadn't thought of that, but it's a great idea for her birthday. She would love it. Thanks for the idea.