Friday, February 22, 2008

friday flashback - coming by it honestly

I love to write. I don't think I set the world on fire with it, but my Mom says I'm good and that's enough for me. My brother writes too. Much better than I. My favourite is this short story intro for a piece I'm sure he has yet to finish, but I am dying to read it when he finally does. His writing style puts me in mind of Douglas Coupland, which I am certain would thrill him to no end even while he is heartily disagreeing. Or maybe he would agree, it's hard to say. (Dave?) I guess all this literary craftiness shouldn't come as any big shock since our Dad enjoyed writing as well. My memories of it are vague at this point. I don't remember seeing him actually writing, but I have seen the final product. I know my Mom has some of his poems in an album at her place. In fact I think our family's entire collection of Dad penned works is of the poem variety. Maybe that's all he liked to write. (Mom?) And I can't help, but wonder if he were alive today if he'd be a blogger.

Now while my Mom is currently housing the entire collection I do have, what I think to be, one of his two most important pieces. Back in November of 1980 when I was just seven years old my Dad put his thoughts about Dave and I down in poems. I have the original, written in pencil on a plain white sheet of paper signed Daddy 11/18/80 that my Mom, thoughtfully, laminated years ago.

You are a child soft & pure
You are a child of peace & love
A child whose problems I can cure
A child whose problems I may cause
You are one of the few people I live for
There is no one known I love more
You are a child without hate
You are a child with much thought
These words have touched you before
As your life goes its own way
Take and keep a little of mine with you

Even now when I read this I can help but get a little bit weepy. I think his "take" on me back then is pretty dead on today and that truly touches a special place in my heart as much as that can hurt some days.



Angela said...

Memories that are special
so priceless

darlene said...

wow nice Shan....kinda got weepy this picture....

Shan said...

Angela - yes they are. Thanks.

Darlene - thanks, I do too.