Monday, February 04, 2008

shot me down again

Last week we bought the latest in garlic bread while grocery shopping. It comes as a loaf of texas style toast that has the garlic butter already infused in the bread. To serve you just pop it in the toaster and toast to your desired colour. Abby loves garlic bread, so having a loaf of this in the freezer is great since we can toast it up a piece or two at a time. She may have indulged in several a couple of pieces this weekend.

Last night long after bed time for the rest of the house. I was up watching Iron Chef America when Abby wandered downstairs to use the bathroom. Afterwards she stayed up to watch the judging. She snuggled up beside me so I could smell the minty scent of her freshly washed hair.

"I love you," I whispered against the back of her head.

She whispered back, "I love garlic bread."

And she paused.

"And you and Daddy too."


darlene said...

ha ha...i love garlic bread too!~!...hee hee

Jen said...

This was hysterical!! At least you and Daddy rate with garlic bread...