Wednesday, March 26, 2008

it never fails

Today was trying really really hard to be spring, it wasn't quite on the mark just yet, but the attempt was made. I, for one, I really appreciated the effort. Way to go Mother Nature. Let's keep it coming. And yes, I am trying to ignore the snow that's in the forecast tomorrow, thanks for asking.

In celebration of pseudo spring the girls and I went for a walk after dinner where I learned a couple of things. Number one; Maya will NOT walk on gravel. What she will do is freeze in complete terror, refusing to move an inch until Mommy finally rescues her from such torture. Not surprisingly there will be crying involved and a dash of pleading. I'm not sure where this fear of gravel comes from. My only guess is it feels unstable under her feet and it reminds her of walking on ice. We had quite an impressively thick ice patch out our back door and she would freak whenever she had to walk over it. So I think in her mind it's the same thing.

And secondly; if you leave your house in yoga pants, your bleh winter coat without even a funky toque or your very cool red scarf to dress it up and your hair in a messy pony tail. You will catch the attention of your newest friend as you walk past her house and she has awesome-not-in-a-ponytail-hair and is basically much more put together than you. As an added bonus you will not only interrupt her dinner (several times ahem... what!? There aren't that many areas devoid of gravel for us to walk on) but also cause her to miss a vital step in her dinner preparations. My apologies to The Mommy. (psst..... red wine or balsamic would have been adequate substitutions for the sherry vinegar.)


Mommy Project said...

You are too funny!
I thought you actually looked fahb-u-lous, dahling! I was wearing my standard uniform of jeans/black sweater and crazy, curly, uncontrollable hair that is now too short for my usual ponytail.
And, hey, thanks for the tip on the vinegar. Good to know!

p.s. Do we look like a bunch of yahoos when all us girls are hanging out the windows screaming at you?

Shan said...

You can say that because you were looking at me from a distance.

Maybe you do... a little bit, but Mike says it's okay because we're living in a small town. There's not much else to do here, but hang out the windows and scream at the neighbours.