Saturday, March 01, 2008

the three hour toast

As if I didn't have enough to do this weekend I thought today would be the perfect time to get reacquainted with my breadmaker. I don't want to say how long it's been hiding out on my cupboard, but it had been there so long it's feet were stuck to the cupboard and Michael had to employ quite a lot of force to get it loose. Once I got it out of storage and cleaned the cobwebs out of if, I'm kidding... maybe. It didn't take me long at all to have water, flour, egg, butter, cheese, spices, salt, sugar and yeast doing it's thing. Before too long the entire house smelled vaguely of pizza (it was a parmesan garlic loaf).

Abby came to find me, her nose twitching. "I smell pizza!" she commented.

"There's no pizza, Mommy's baking bread." She was satisfied with the answer and went on her merry way.

Not too long after Maya came through the living room with that adorable little toddler run. You know the one where their head leads and it looks like they could topple over at any moment? That one. And she was chanting "Teetza! Teetza!" as she went by. I try to explaining the no pizza thing, which falls on deaf ears. I do manage to distract her and she moves on to something else.

What can I say? The smell in the house this afternoon kept getting better and better as the bread neared completion. Abby is back in the kitchen for another sniff. She stands eying the "new" appliance out on the counter. She's not quite sure what it is, but she knows that delicious smell is coming from it.

I should pause here to mention that our toaster bit the dust this week, so we are currently toasterless. We now return you to the story already in progress.

After a few more minutes of checking things out Abby calls to me, "Mom! Can I have some of what is in this new toaster you got out here?"


darlene said...

hee hee, i have not seen my old toaster in

roxie said...

Ah the perfume from the bread machine!

Angela said...

sounds very yummy
maybe I should pull our toster out

anno said...

Yum... sounds like your girls are enjoying your new "toaster." Makes me wonder if we might need to getting one of our own.

Shan said...

Darlene - I hadn't seen mine in I don't know how long.

Roxie - It's wonderful isn't it?

Angela - I recommend it.

Anno - Even though the novelty has worn off, some time ago. I'm still really happy I have it.