Monday, December 15, 2008

25 days of christmas - polar express night

Another 25 days of Christmas update. This weekend was a busy one with gingerbread night and movie night. This year on top of the 25 days of Christmas I wanted to start yearly traditions for the girls with each of their grandparents. Granny had already started with gingerbread night. I think it was our third annual.

For Papa and Grandma Linda , well we all really enjoyed the movie Polar Express. So we invited them over. Or rather Elwood suggested Abby call and invite them over. Papa showed up with the popcorn he and Abby had grown last summer. So they husked it (is that what you call it? I have no idea) and then Papa popped it on the stove.


Just before the movie started Abby checked Elwood's basket/mail box and found two winter themed fleece blankets and a plate full of train shaped sugar cookies to watch the movie with. So we all snuggled in and enjoyed a really great Christmas movie. I'm hoping we make it our yearly event.



Betsy Hart said...

How fun!

Angela said...

Yes the best movie nights are the ones with popcorn

Shan said...

Betsy - yep it was. Such a sweet Christmas movie.

Angela - you got that right!