Saturday, March 28, 2009

an hour for the earth

I am a wanna be granola type person. I wash in cold water, line dry in the warmer months. I try to reduce my carbon footprint, try to avoid single use purchases like juice boxes. I'm thinking about going veggie, one day a week. I reduce, reuse and recycle when and where I can. So of course we, as a family, were hopping on board with Earth Hour. Which we observed tonight for the required hour. We appeared to be the only family participating on our street, for how far I could see anyway. Which is only about four houses, with all the trees and what not in the way.

Abby was beyond excited about it and has been asking for the past two days when were we going to get the candles out? You'd almost think it was a holiday that involved gifts or chocolate instead of just an hour we voluntarily sit in the dark. This year we passed the hour playing charades and 20 questions, that Abby seemed to have a hard time grasping the fundamentals of --

Me: Okay I'm thinking of a person.
Abby: Is it a boy?
Me: No.
Abby: Is it a girl?
Me: Yes.
Abby: Is it twins? Because Maya and I are twins. Because we have the same kind of hair. So that makes us twins.

Did you observe Earth Hour?


Mommy Project said...

Your thinking of going veggie one day a week?!?! That is so exciting! woot!
Oh...but that isn't the point...
Earth Hour.
Well, the girls were already in bed for Earth Hour so we didn't really ~do~ anything with it. We did turn off most of our lights (although, we forgot the one out front I guess!) and we went to bed early. I read (a veggie cookbook) with a tiny reading light.
So...not great, but not too, too, horrible.

A Crafty Mom said...

Now, that is cute :-)

We are very similar - we do all the same things in our quest to become crunchy granola people!

We observed earth hour, and also noticed no one on our street was doing it, except our friends and neighbours next door. So they came over and we had drinks and played Scrabble in the dark with candles. It was so fun we actually kept the power off for two hours b/c we didn't notice the time!!

Justine said...

I observed it by turning of my light and having a sundae! It was sponsored by my college to try to get people to turn off the lights by eating free sweets in the students center : ) I also called my mom to remind her.

ContantFamily said...

We enjoyed a nice quiet earth hour... my sister had my two kids for the night. We were the only house around us who did it! We are actually thinking of trying to do it once a month.

Shan said...

MP - I'm thinking about it. Mike is less unsure:) Maya was in bed, but we let Abby stay up. She's was very excited about it and even made up an earth hour song.

Crafty Mom - that sounds like a pretty fun night to me!

Justine - good idea to get people involved.

Contant - I've thought the same thing.