Saturday, March 14, 2009

just a little bit left you didn't know

So it's been making the rounds on facebook, the 25 things about me list, and I've been tagged multiple times, but I've already told you 100 things about me. And then I told you a 100 more. What's left to know?


Twenty-five more things apparently.

1. While I truly love to knit, I really don't enjoy being a pattern knitter. I could happily knit scarves (to donate) for the rest of my life.

2. I am starting to be more creative in the kitchen. I spend a lot of my online time reading blogs and learning about new baking/decorating techniques. I'd really like to improve my skills in this area. People in my life should be prepared for samples!

3. My favourite thing to drink is water, with lots of ice and a straw.

4. I've only recently started watching Sex and the City. Talk about late to the party huh?

5. HBO Canada is my new favourite channel. Flight of the Conchords and East Bound and Down are my new favourite shows.

6. I watch Diners, Drive Ins and Dives every chance I get. It makes me want to open a diner.

7. I rarely go shopping, but this morning I spent with my Mom wandering around Michaels, Zellers and Costco. It was a real treat.

8. I would love to purchase 95% of the baking aisle at Michaels.

9. If I ever get on Survivor I'm layering for the flight over. I'm talking three pairs of socks, three pairs of undies, two pairs of shorts, leggings, yoga pants, bra, two tank tops two t- shirts and a long sleeved tee and a sweatshirt. I'm not going to end up wearing stilettos and a business suit for 39 days in the jungle. Not this girl. I want options.

10. I have watched every episode of every season of Survivor.

11. Despite an elaborate clothing strategy plan, I have zero interest in actually being on the show.

12. The girls and I often have jammie days.

13. We have more jammie days in the winter than we do in the summer.

14. While our little pool is great and worth every penny we've spent on it, I would love to have an actual pool. One that's more that 30 inches deep.

15. I still laugh at the Cowbell sketch from SNL like it's the first time I've seen it.

16. Everything seems funnier to me if Mike's laughing with me.

17. I love all kinds of chocolate, but there's nothing quite as good as lindor.

18. I prefer milk chocolate chips to semi-sweet.

19. I have completely switched to green tea, no more orange pekoe for me.

20. I prefer deep dark coloured nail polish for my toes. Colours like black, brown, burgandy or blue. Never red.

21. With the kids and then myself being sick the past week I've had almost no online time. I missed blogging. The writing, the reading and the commenting.

22. I love my crocs, both the flipflop and the original style.

23. I wish I could let go and be more outgoing.

24. I do not understand the appeal of a thong.

25. It's true. I enjoy webkinz world and often play when Abby is in bed.

Okay... you may know everything now -- I can't imagine I have any secrets left.


FaithChick said...

#6 That is one of my favorite show.sometimes late at night they will play them over and over. So addicting.

#16 I so agree and nothing makes me happier when I make him laugh hard. It makes me feel like I have really accomplished something.

#24 I so so so agree. I know no panty lines but the uncomfortable factor.

#22 Love Love Love my croc flip flops. If you do not own a pair, you must

Great List!!

Heather... said...

It's scary the similarities! #25... I've been know to stay up WAY to late playing Smoothie Moves and Goober's Lab. :)

Mommy Project said...

I always love reading your "lists". They may actually be my favourite posts of all. And, even though there are now 225 things I know about you...I could still read more and more! :)

I love D.D.and D., too, and I am really liking Guy! He is the exception that proves my rule about men who wear pinky rings.

p.s. I'll open a diner with you.

Julie said...

I've been hit a few times with this one on FB too. Can't find the time to come up with 25 interesting things. But it would seem I could just use quite a few of yours! Marty is so into Concords, and the cowbell sketch is one of his favorites, because it's Christopher Walken (hey, Max was nearly named Walken!) and I can't agree with you more on the thong thing. Just don't get it. The chaffing factor! Ack!

Julie said...

Oh, and so glad to see you back blogging. Means everyone one is heathly again! We missed you.

Chantal said...

I play on webkinz at night too! I have been looking for one more to finish my 25 list and now I have it! Thanks.

Shan said...

Faith - over Christmas they had a 12 hour Triple D marathon on. I would have watched the entire thing, but the rest of the family wanted the Wii.

Heather - I like the Pizza Place one. And the quizzes.

TMP - What are we going to call it? The Two Cougars Cafe is already taken :)

Julie - I usually work on them over a long period of time. And thanks I really missed it.

Chantal - nice to know I'm not the only one:)

A Crafty Mom said...

OMG - number one is so true for me too!!! I love scarves and baby blankets but shy away from knitting anything with a pattern, lol. I don't have the concentration. Great list - I share many of them:

1, 2, 8, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22 Not bad for two people who also share a name :-)