Wednesday, March 04, 2009

they say it's your birthday

Today is Mike's birthday and that seems reason enough to list a few more of the reasons why I love him....

#53 He's a man who wears crocs.... outside and even sometimes off the property.
#54 He's always willing to help Abby navigate webkinz world online.
#55 He lets the kids have control of the TV when we get home from school/work.
#56 Gives a pretty great foot rub... (when he feels like it)
#57 He gave up the computer so I could write this and then head up to bed early early early.
#58 He helped me tidy the house and put both kids to bed even though it's his birthday and I totally would have let him slack off.
#59 That he's willing to play along with the girls and their wild imaginations.

Happy birthday Michael... love you!!


Julie said...

Happy Birthday Mr.Blogmother!

Leah said...

happy birthday!!! Hope it was a great one.

Betsy Hart said...

Happy Birthday!! I hope he had a good one!