Monday, April 13, 2009

cracked the code

I have to confess I had to get help to crack Maya's code. Like a lot of the commenters, I could pick out words here and there. And I certainly got the monkey monkey monkey at the end, but what was the rest? I finally asked my sitter what in the heck she was singing and she helpfully sang it for me with a chorus of little voices accompanying her. I was impressed at the number of correct responses. You guys rock! The version Maya sings, goes as follows.

I went to the animal fair
The birds and the beasts were there
The big baboon, by the light of the moon
was combing her auburn hair
The monkey fell out of his bunk
and slid down the elephant's trunk
The elephant sneezed
And fell to his knees
and waked up the
monkey monkey monkey monk.

She sings this all day long in a continuous loop. It's one of those moments I'll be happy to have on video one day.


Betsy Hart said...

How cute! I love it when the little ones sing. Nothing like it!

Anonymous said...

Not only is she singing it proudly - but loudly also :) An email is on the way to you my friend.

Shan said...

Betsy - yeah I love it. They both really love to sing. In fact they're in the toy room singing the theme to Atomic Betty right now.

Suze - oh yes, she's a loud one, but she's the first one to tell Mike and i to be quiet when we're chatting to each other. Will be compulsively checking my inbox!

Leah said...

I have video of Emily and Jared singing at a young age, but Connor won't sing! He makes zero attempts at it, as much as we prompt...

Today, I tried to get him to sing the ABC's along with me, he was half-heartedly repeating the letters as I'd sing them (slowly, for his benefit) and after I said "T" he yelled "pot!". Then I was laughing too hard to finish the song and he informed me I forgot the TUV part (which he insists I forgot even when I DO finish the song). what a punk... LOL

I'm glad you have Maya on video singing her version of the song! It's ADORABLE how she says some of those words!!