We had a wonderful and somewhat laid back Easter weekend. Uncle Dave and Auntie Mel came Sunday and spent the night. We had some brunch with Papa and Grandma Linda after church on Good Friday. I did some baking and the Easter Bunny left a little treasure hunt for the girls. And I took some pictures --
Here are my five favourite, in no particular order.

In a blink Abby is going to be 7. Seven! We are hurtling into the tween years. I have asked her to stay six on her next birthday. A request that was flatly denied. So for now I'm trying to enjoy all the "little kid" moments. Like wearing a bucket on your head just because you can.

Abby just loves her Uncle Dave (and her Auntie Mel too!). This would be the new leaner version of Uncle Dave. I don't think you could find an ounce of body fat on him. I guess that's what happens when you start preparing for a 1000 km bike ride.

This red coat of Maya's makes me melt every time she wears it. (Actually when both girls wear them it's almost too cute for words. I must get a picture of it!) Easter Sunday she was in total Diva mode and would not take off her coat or sunglasses for the Easter egg hunt at Papa and Grandma Linda's. Everything about this picture just screams Maya.

It seems Maya's new favourite thing these days is sticking out her tongue in response to just about anything you ask her -- Maya smile and I'll take your picture with Grandma.

Now Mike and Abby both thought these were bear faces, but really it was supposed to be what bunny bottoms look like as they are disappearing down the bunny hole.
and because I couldn't pick you get a Friday High Five Bonus --

The bunny cake I made for dinner at my Mom's that we were all too full after dinner to even eat.
ROFL! About the bunny rear ends, I thought bear face too!!
Every one did actually!
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