For my part, I did what I've been doing best -- or at least the most these days. I baked.

I admit I was nervous putting them out on the table. I told Mike if they didn't sell for a reasonable amount of money my ego would be crushed. And yes, I did sneak away -- when I could -- and check out how the bidding was going. I am very happy to say they brought a total of $42 to Abby's school and there was some disappointment expressed from the losers. So I left the event feeling pretty good about myself.
I was surprised that they went for so much when you consider that my buddy ML was wandering around telling people they were horrible tasting cookies, so she could win them herself.
One of the bouquets went home with Abby's little friend -- who's a boy, but not a boyfriend, Mom okay -- and his Mom called me this morning to complain about them. Uh oh. When she asked her little guy how he liked the cookies he said -- well I don't want to hurt your feelings. And then he wondered if she would ask me for the recipe.
I wonder if I could use that as a testimonial if I decide to go pro?
wow excellent!!....good for you!! start selling them on line girl!!
Lovely as usual! I envy your mad baking skillz. You rock!
that's so funny the not-a-boyfriend boy friend worded it that way to his mother!!! ha ha ha ha!
congrats on the success of the cookies! Not only do they look tastey, but they are very nicely presented! nicely done!
Lol! That is too funny about the little boy! And those cookies look so beautiful, I don't know how I could eat them!
Way to go, Shan! Sounds like a business ready to be sprung! You realize you raised almost 1/4 of the money for the sale?!
They look amazing!! You do such a professional job. I love the boxes they are in, too!!
That's great! Kids can really say the darnedest things! Your cookies look amazing. I must admit that I'm a little scared to make cookies b/c they will most definitely not be nearly up to your standards!
As per usual, You Rock! I've gotta come up with better kudos. That one is getting used by me too often with you!
Those look amazing!!! Go pro!
Darlene - thanks, it's definitely an idea to think about.
Lynn - thanks, you're making me blush.
Leah - yep he's a funny one that not boyfriend. Thanks.
Betsy - the kids find it easier than you think.
Karen - I may pick your brain about that one.
Widney - I found them at the dollar store. They are perfect for this. And thanks.
Merry - aww that is very sweet of you to say, but I'm sure yours would be lovely.
Julie - Thanks Julie!!
Chantal - I'm thinking about it.
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