Thursday, April 16, 2009

thankful thursday

Time, once again for Thankful Thursday which is being hosted by the Fabulous Mommy Project. My very good friend and neighbour. She tells me I can increase my happiness by 25%, just by writing down what I'm thankful for and I'm all in for that.

I am thankful for..

1)An Easter visit with Dave and Mel. It flew by way too fast, but it's always good to see them.

2)That Dave and Mel got to spend Easter Monday with the girls while Mike and I were at work. They went to the park and Maya even rode home on Uncle Dave's shoulders. Which is huge when you consider that meant she would actually have to acknowledge his existence.

3)The warmish spring weather which led to a front porch hang out with my favourite gal Jenni this afternoon.

4)My Michael. He's been out a lot this week, but tonight he stayed in and cleaned the kitchen and scrubbed down the bathroom while I was doing number three.

5)And, once again, ShaNancy and Ashley who helped me out with a little errand. I appreciate it ladies, it made my week a ton easier.


Betsy Hart said...

Such wonderful things to be thankful for. Happy Thankful Thursday Shan!

Chantal said...

You know, this thankful thing works :)

Laura said...

Sounds like an utterly blissful week. Nice idea for the exercise...maybe I'll give it a try!

Shan said...

Thankful for the comments.