Saturday, April 04, 2009

it's the same only different

I'm reading Abby's report card and it says that she sometimes has trouble with skip counting -- counting by 2's, 5's and 10's.

Me: Abby, your report card says you have trouble with skip counting. So you know what that is?
Abby: Yeah. One, two, skip a few, ninety-nine, one hundred.


Betsy Hart said...

ROFL! Seems perfect to me!!

Mommy Project said...

Ha ha ha! That's so cute!! Can't argue with that.


Too cute!!

Chantal said...

LOL my D does that one, two, skip a few one hundred thing all the time. :)

Shan said...

Betsy - she thought so too!

MP - not at all.

WW - I think so too.

Chantal - funny the things that have staying power:)

Leah said...

I remember doing that as a kid, and taught it to Emily when she was three. The next day, she told her preschool teacher, "I can count to 100, listen!". Her preschool teacher's eyes got wide at the idea of having to stand there and listen to her count all the way to 100, and she was greatly relieved and amused to hear "one, two, skip a few, 99, 100" intead. ha ha! Kids are awesome. I love how Abby gave you that answer without missing a beat. LOL!!