Friday, April 09, 2010

it's a revolution #2

So the food revolution continues around here. This week has been pretty exciting because for the first time Maya has been voluntarily stepping out of her box. We had Easter lunch with my Mom this past weekend and I almost fell over in my chair when Maya asked for some sausage and then actually ate it. And then asked for some more. My Mom is Polish, so it's not unheard of to have a plate of cut up kielbasa at the dinner table. It is unheard of for Maya to actually -- you know -- eat any of it. She did the same thing the night we had eggs and turkey sausages for dinner. So it's looking like I'll be able to send her to school in September without worrying that she'll starve to death since she can't take her beloved peanut butter sandwich for lunch.

This Easter weekend was rough for me and not likely in the way you would think. I did well staying on track and lost 1.3 lbs this week. Not bad considering the smattering of chocolate that's been hanging around the house. Oh and the easter bunny sugar cookies I made. And the cake. And the cupcakes.

Here's the deal though. We had two Easter dinners. One with Papa and Grandma Linda and one with Granny. Both completely delicious. And both made me pretty dang "sick". Don't get me wrong, it was all delicious. So delicious. We had scalloped potatoes, ham, carrot casserole, turkey, sausage, broccoli with cheese sauce, stuffing and various assorted vegetables including super yummy brussel sprouts that my sister-in-law makes with bacon and onion.

See the problem?

With the exception of some of the veggies, that's some pretty heavy food on that menu. And afterward my stomach protested greatly. That got me thinking of all the foods that I haven't eaten in the past couple of months - bacon, red meat, white bread, cheddar cheese, and full fat sour cream. Those are the ones I miss the most and to be truthful I don't really miss them all that much. With the exception of the sour cream and the bacon. We tried to have perogies with fat free sour cream and no bacon.... it was awful. Really. And I think my poor Polish grandmother was likely spinning in her grave. I won't be doing that again. But it's all for the greater good right?


Lynn said...

Oh man, I love perogies with sour cream. I'm sure that is not helping you at all, is it? :)

Sometimes I serve the perogies with cottage cheese. It's not quite the same but I can live with it. You can buy the low fat kind and since it's a nice, filling protein, you'll eat little of it and it can replace both the sour cream and the bacon.

Betsy Hart said...

I have really been trying to eat healthier too, and the holidays are always hard. I was happy with my 0.8lb loss! :) You did awesome! Especially with two dinners! And YAY about her eating. I always worry about McKayla too, she is so hard! But from what her teachers tell me, she does alot better at school than she does at home. The way my pedi put it, you can do your job, and that is offer your child a balanced healthy diet. It is their choice to eat or not. You can't force that to happen. Sometime it has to click in their heads. For now, I am sneaking in veggies with her roman noodles, and praying she eats a few!

Merry said...

I use lite sour cream. Fat free is just gross! Also, we use turkey bacon a lot. It is NOT the same but you can get used to it. Will & Nicole actually like it better than real bacon....Dewey not so much but he likes it better than nothing (which is his alternative).

Scatteredmom said...

We love perogies with sour cream here too, although one week I was out of it and used plain yogurt instead. You might think it's gross, but I actually liked it.

At our house, my guys will not eat pork or much red meat so it's turkey bacon all the time. I don't miss bacon, really.

Although I think I'm real lucky because my 14 yo will eat just about anything.

Shan said...

Lynn - I can't do cottage cheese. I just can't stand the taste/texture of it. We actually don't eat perogies all that often, so I've decided that when I do I'll eat them "properly".

Betsy - Thanks. I figure the food thing will come in time. I'll keep offering it and eventually they just may try it.

Merry - I don't actually miss the bacon all that much. That actually kind of shocked me because I'm a big fan of bacon. We've tried the turkey bacon, but wasn't overly impressed with it. We buy peameal/back/Canadian bacon.

Scattered Mom - yeah I don't think the yogurt would go over here. My Mom is Polish, so that makes perogies the ultimate in childhood comfort food. It's just not the same to have it any other way. So I'll save it for an occasional treat.

Shan said...
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