Thursday, January 13, 2011


Blah... my sleep is all messed up. Like seriously hardcore messed up. Something horrifically tragic happened in our quiet little area and it's made me jumpy and nervous and unable to sleep. The lack of sleep only makes me more jumpy and more nervous.... it's just a vicious cycle. I haven't felt this beat down since Maya was a non-sleeping newborn. Only this time I'm working full time and keeping up with the house and the kids and volunteer stuff and blah. I'm not doing it 100% though because I just don't have it in me. And there's nothing really to be done about it. You can't take back what happened. I can't un-know it, as much as I think I'd like to. I can only pray for a swift resolution so I can get back to feeling safe and comfortable in my own home.


Goofball said...

not being able to feel safe and comfortable in your own house is nerve wracking. I'm so sorry to hear that something has affected you so much. I wish I could help. I hope the situation improves quickly

Pam said...

Sorry you are going through a tough time right now. It's terrible to feel so stressed in your own home. May the comfort and sweet dreams return soon.

Julie said...

oh gosh shan, i'm sorry to hear somethign tragic happened so close to home. i can't imagine feeling uncomfortable in your own home. hopefully you will be able to get through this and get back to the comfort zone, and back to yourself and the family you loves you more than anything.

Heather said...

what happened?

Leah said...

I'm sorry to hear that something tragic happened in your area. It's hard to get past that sort of thing. We recently had a few houses burglarized in our area, all within about five minutes from my house, and while certainly not tragic, it was very unnerving that yucky stuff was happening sooooo close to home! My thoughts are with those affected...

Betsy Hart said...

Good grief! I do hope something happens soon for you. That feeling is awful, and not fair to have it at home :(

Shan said...

Thanks everyone. It's not a nice feeling at all, but I feel even worse for those involved. There just isn't words.