Friday, February 04, 2011

friday high five - shuffle up and deal

Well tonight was family fun night and the girls wanted a game. I was lobbying hard for cards, but they were pretty insistent on Disney Scene It, which we hadn't played in quite some time. Related, I think we could do with an updated version. We had to deal with a lot of Disney movies the kids haven't seen like The Jungle Book, The Rescuers, Duck Tales and Pete's Dragon, to name a few.

I do love to play cards, but it doesn't happen very often. My parents had couples over to play cards when I was a kid. We'd play with the other couple's kids while the adults played Euchre. I need to start doing that kind of thing more. Related, Uncle Dave and Auntie Mel need to buy the house down the street.

So for this week's Friday High Five - the card games I love to play....

1. Cribbage. I cannot begin to tell you how many hours I spent playing crib with my Grandpa. Countless, countless hours. Often just the two of us, but occasionally we'd play with four. Fifteen two, fifteen four and the rest wouldn't score. I can't tell you how many times I heard him say that. He always pointed out my missed scoring opportunities because he was "an honest crook". Very occasionally I'd manage to win and I've never really been 100% sure that he didn't let me. I can't remember the last time I played cribbage... I should do something about that. It's one of those games that makes me feel good because of all the happy memories associated.

2. Uno. Love Uno in all it's forms. We actually used to play Uno quite a bit with friends of ours. Of course this was before we all had kids and life got busy with stuff. We do play with the kids and it's a great game for that. Taking into consideration the four year age difference between Abby and Maya it's not easy to find a game to play that is suitable for both of them. Usually we end up with one of two secenarios - we end up playing a "baby" game (Abby's term) for Maya or Maya and I have to play as a team. Uno is one of the few games all four of us can play independently together.

3. Spoons. I have to give a big thank you to ML for introducing us to this game. It is a great game for a group. The rules aren't complicated and you don't need any special equipment, just a deck of cards and some spoons out of the drawer. You should give it a try at your next big family dinner. I will personally guarantee a fun time will be had by all.

4. Mexican Rummy. Remember our Uno playing friends from up there, well we used to play this with them as well. I wish I could remember the particulars of the game, but it's been a while. Although ML tells me that Phase 10 is pretty much the same thing.

5. Poker. Another game I haven't played in a while. Although Grandma Sandi has suggested a family poker tourney. I should probably get on that. Who doesn't like spending an evening taking cash from their nearest and dearest? I am far from a great player... heck I'm probably not even good, but it sure is a lot of fun when you win a hand.

Do you play cards? What's your favourite game to deal out?


Julie said...

my dad's family are serious card players. as a kid and the family and some of the brothers and sisters were together, they would play all weekend. the kids were basically left to fend for themselves. the game they played most often was something we call "chris" or in english "christ" because it's basically what you say while playing. yes, my family are good roman catholics! ;-)

all that to say i too love to play cards but can't remember the last time i played. can't wait to play uno with the jb. we have racko and i do love to play gin rummy. a good game of double solitaire can make raining afternoons go by. and well asshole was a huge part of cegep for me. i think i need to find some peeps to play cards with!

Lynn said...

I loooove cards. Euchre and cribbage were staples of my childhood, along with Spite and Malice and Uno. We're already teaching Uno and Go Fish to the kids. I also play poker once a month with my lady friends and it's a rocking good time.

One of my girlfriends and I have a pact that when we get older and our kids have moved out, we will learn bridge together. Then we will kick ass all over the retirement home circuit.