Thursday, February 03, 2011

tell me a story

So if you've been reading here for a while then you may know that for the past few years we have exchanged handmade gifts with my brother, Uncle Dave and his lovely wife Auntie Mel. I have to say that Uncle Dave and Auntie Mel rock the handmade gifts. They are way more creative than I.

For some unknown reason Uncle Dave and Auntie Mel have chosen to live two hours away from here. Actually, I know the reason..... it's because Dave got a job there, but now that I have allowed them to live up there for a decade-ish, I think it's time they did me a solid and moved back here. Heck, there's even a house for sale a few doors down.... and it has a hot tub. Win win, I say.

I have always appreciated the work Dave and Mel have put into their relationship with my girls. You'd never know they didn't live local just based on how crazy in love with Uncle Dave and Auntie Mel they are. It's just awesome times ten. All that to say, the theme of this year's gift from Uncle Dave and Auntie Mel.... bringing family together.

Being the uber creative types that they are, they recorded themselves reading The Fantastic Mr Fox and then burned it to cd. That way even though they may be two hours away they are still able to read the girls a bedtime story. For the past few nights Abby has popped it in the cd player while we focus fifteen the house. It's nice to be able to hear their voices fill the kitchen on a random Thursday evening. I'd never read the Fantastic Mr Fox before, so hearing the story has been a treat for me as well.

It is a truly thoughtful gift and I'm secretly hoping to see a new story under the tree next Christmas.

What's the most thoughtful gift you've received?


Goofball said...

what a great gift idea, that's truly awesome :)

Pam said...

What a wonderful idea! I was just thinking how I love to hear a story out loud. All the sweeter if it is in the voice of someone you love.

Bibliomama said...

SO sweet. We took a cruise with my sister and brother in law last month and as usual, seeing them made me sad that they don't live closer (SEVEN hours away, thank you very much). And if I didn't know that Eve loves me the most out of everyone in the world I would be jealous of how crazy she is about my sister -- on the cruise she had to sit between us no matter where we went.

Kristina said...

The most thoughtful gift I ever got was a used Hallmark Christmas ornament from 1983 from a friend. Ever since I was a baby, I have received at least one Hallmark Christmas ornament every single year. Every year. Somehow, though, in the shuffle of moving out, my 1983 ornament disappeared. It's probably at my mom's in a box somewhere, but it is not at my house. :( I casually told a girlfriend about it while we were working out last year, and then promptly forgot I had said anything. For my birthday, though, she got online and searched and then bid on two ornaments through eBay! Her husband was horrified that she was giving me used ornaments from more than 20 years ago, but she knew it was the perfect gift. And it was.