Wednesday, March 16, 2011

socially speaking

I have to say Maya's first report card is a 100% true representation of her. The JK report is broken down into personal/social development and work habits/readiness. There are no letter grades, instead they get consistently demonstrates skill, demonstrates skill most of the time and so on.

I can't say I was even surprised that in all categories that relate to school work - works independently, follows directions and so on, she scored "consistently demonstrates skill" right across the board. In the social development areas - adjusts readily to new situations, acts and talks in appropriate ways with peers and adults and so on, she scored "demonstrates skill most of the time" right across the board.

I know, shocking right?

The social aspect has always been a struggle for her, but she's finding her stride.

This past Sunday as we sat having coffee after church, we realized Maya had gone to sit with another table. Pushed her chair up close to her brand new BFF Mrs. B and sat there chatting with the other grown ups at the table while she had her snack. I should mention that this table was on the other side of the hall from where we were sitting and that no one from our immediate family was with her. Doesn't sound like much perhaps, but it was huge for Maya. It was huge for all of us.

I had a funny feeling five was going to be fantastic and so far it hasn't disappointed.


Betsy Hart said...

That is wonderful!! Way to go Maya!!

Goofball said...

that's great!

Leah said...

congrats, that's GREAT!

Bibliomama said...

Live for the small victories, right?