Thursday, April 28, 2011

i got nothing

I've got nothing to say. I know.... you're all shocked, right? There's just so much going on right now. Life is good, busy, but awesome. I may be going in fifteen different directions at once, but I am 100% in love with every minute of it. There's been baking and meetings and planning committees and time with my besties and time with my family and yet when I sit down here the cursor just blinks at me... waiting. And I sit here and blink back at it. I feel like I need to post something, but nothing comes.

I think some of it has to do with the shift I feel my space here has to take. Abby is getting to the tween stage and I'm finding less of her story makes it's way on to my blog. I want to respect her privacy as she gets older. I always want her to see this space how I see it.... as one big long love letter. So it's time to be mindful of her. Being the Mom of a tween is one gigantic adjustment all around I'm quickly finding out.

Here's hoping I get my groove back soon.

1 comment:

Betsy Hart said...

I can't even imagine having a "tween" GAH! It will happen before I know it here too. What a good mom being concerned with her.