Sunday, May 01, 2011

happy birthday jmn

Last night was party time here at the blogmother ranch... which is not a ranch in any stretch of the imagination, but we like to live with illusions of grandeur. So last night was Jammie Movie Night, but a very special JMN... it was JMN's second birthday. Yep, for two years now my best girls have been meeting in my living room in their jammies to drink punch, eat junk and watch a movie.

The birth of JMN was a total accident. It started with an invitation to the movies which I didn't realize was an invitation to the movies because the words - hey would you like to go to the movies with me on Saturday were never actually uttered. So there was that mix up which led to plans to actually watch a movie at my house at which point I said... don't be alarmed, but when you show up I'll likely be in my jammies because y'all know I love my jammies. And it just sort of snowballed from there.

I was kind of surprised when I realized it had been two years since our first official JMN in which we watched Sex and the City. Doesn't seem like it's been that long. It's truly one of the best things I have given myself. I am so happy I get to call these ladies, some of my best girls, my Jersey Girls friends. I love that we have all promised ourselves one night a month when we get to take off our Mom hats, slip into our favourite comfort wear and watch a fun movie with a side order of catching up and connecting.... oh and killer punch.

I could go on and on about how JMN is good for my soul or how even my girls can tell it's an important evening for me or more increasingly sappy reasons it's the best thing ever, but I think you get the picture. I have said before that I hope one day the local paper is covering JMN's 50th anniversary as a human interest story...... 2 years down 48 to go.

Thanks ladies.

1 comment:

Goofball said...

I don't really like sitting in my pyama's for too long...I love love love wearing comfy & soft sportswear at home but I usually don't get into my pyama's until I'm off too bed. On weekendmornings I do hang out for a while in the morning in my nightwear.