Wednesday, June 15, 2011

hacker in training

To use my laptop you need to know the password. I know I swore if I ever got one I'd never let anyone else touch it, but I do let the kids use it every now and then. Not Mike though, he did horrible horrible things to his computer... like *turn off his internet security* and now it's so full of bugs it's barely usable. One of these days when I have a spare few minutes I'll unhook it and send it out to be cleaned up.

So while the kids can use my laptop, they have to ask first and I punch in the password for them, the other day I found Maya sitting in front of the sign in screen...

Maya: I'm trying to figure out your password.
Me: Oh you are, huh?
Maya: Yep. I've been trying all day.
Me: Have you?
Maya: Yeah, I tried Daddy's farts stink, but that wasn't it.
Me: Really? That wasn't my password?
Maya: No. Then I tried please Mom please and that wasn't it either.
Me: You don't say.
Maya: Then I tried Maya sucks and that wasn't it.
Me: No, huh?

Oh my gosh she is funny!

1 comment:

Goofball said...


now I am really curious what else she would have tried