Saturday, July 09, 2011

knowing me, knowing you - july 2011

It's time once again for that monthly interview project that I like to call knowing me, knowing you.

1. It's less than 6 months until Christmas, have you started your shopping yet?

Yep, I sure have. Okay don't throw things at me. Have I told y'all about the big stocking? It's a really big stocking.... like five feet big... that gets passed from one family to the next. This year it's Papa and Grandma Linda's turn. The rest of us all pitch in to fill it, so I have begun the big stocking stockpile. As for actual gifts... not yet, but I'm planning my shopping out.

2. What's your guilty pleasure?

Oh my... where do I start? With the two Selena Gomez songs that I bought off itunes this week? Or farmville... I'm only at level 100, whatevs. Big Brother, I was thrilled to see Jeff and Jordan back. Sweet Valley High Confidential. The Shopaholic series. That's all I'm willing to admit to right now.

3. Are you on Pinterest?

I am, because I needed another time suck in my life, but I do love that I can pin recipes I want to try to my board and then when I finally get a chance to try them I'll know where they are.

4. Popsicle or an ice cream cone?

Ice cream. Always. Popsicles just don't do it for me, unless it's a fudgesicle. Then maybe.

5. Are your toes painted?

Yep, burgundy. I usually go for the darker colours... black, brown, blue... I don't care much for the pinks and reds.

So now the rules, they're pretty simple. Post your answers to these questions on your own blog in the next few days. Remember to link back here in your post and sign the Mr. Linky too, so we can all see what you have to say. Please make sure you link to your actual KMKY post and not your blog's front page. Any front page links will be deleted. And most importantly, have fun! Have suggestions for next months questions? Leave me a comment or send me an email and let me know.


Bibliomama said...

They keep playing the new Selena Gomez video on the channel my kids watch. I like the song, but the video bugs me. Also, her hair makes me sick with envy, and then makes me feel creepy for envying a 17-yr-old's hair.

Shan said...

Bibliomama - My girls watch the same channel. I've only seen bits and pieces of the video, but she does have amazing hair!

Deb said...

First time doing KMKY, thanks!

Four Days Home said...

Great questions! I really should start thinking of shopping!


Somehow I added my August link to this. Please feel free to delete August. Sorry!!