Sunday, July 10, 2011

sunday randoms

Well here we are at the end of another week of holidays. At first glance I'd say that we didn't do much, but that's probably not exactly true.

The girls attended VBS at a neighbouring church, so that really messed with my plan to sleep in every day, but they loved it and they were home by lunch time.

We finally had Abby's "birthday party" which was a trip to the movies to see Cars 2. We had another couple and their kids with us and reviews were mixed. The kids (five of them ages 5 - 10) loved it while the adults were pretty meh about it.

Mike and I attempted to see Bad Teacher, but the movie was sold out... curses for not realizing it was cheap night.... so instead we went and got my nose pierced. I wasn't really going to say anything and let people notice on their own, but Mike and Abby have been shouting it from the rooftops since I got it done. In the first 36 hours I managed to pull it out of my nose twice and made Mike put it back in both times. Not fun!

We did manage to sneak away and see Bridesmaids.... soooo funny. I wasn't expecting it to have such a sweet storyline. Really enjoyed it.

I cleaned up on the $2 book table at Chapters.

We had dinner with family, an evening of snacks and conversation with friends, movie night with the kids, ordered in pizza, made pizza at home on the grill, celebrated Canada Day with 40+ of our besties, finished Tina Fey's book and The Lovely Bones and I'm sure there's more I'm not thinking of....

So yeah I guess we did do a lot.


Julie said...

sounds like a great week.

the first few weeks after the nose piercing are a bit precarious. then it's just there and you barely notice it.

Merry said...

You and Julie are soooo making me want a nose ring!

I went and saw Bridesmaids with my girlfriends. Such a FUNNY movie.