Monday, July 11, 2011

not sure how i got here, but i love it

As luck would have the the wonderful Widney Woman was spending the Canada Day weekend up here in the Great White North and we were having our annual Weenie Roast, so I invited them to join us if they were able.

Wait, what?

Yep you read that right I invited them to join us for the evening.

You know, sometimes I just sit back and wonder who this person is I have become.

The Widney Woman has the distinction of being my very first bloggy meet up and to be honest it almost didn't happen. Although we'd been following each others blogs for some time I just couldn't get my socially awkward self past my socially awkward self. I was giving myself an ulcer over the whole thing, but in the end I went and of course she is just as lovely in real life as she is on the internet.

Then I finally had the opportunity to meet Karen of Virtually There fame in person. Karen is one of my very first bloggy bffs. I met her and her kids on my own and it was awesome and not at all weird and really made me wish that she would buy the house down the street. In fact I'm still holding out hope that she'll buy a house down the street. She has Jersey Girl written all over her.

And then I did this really fun social media thing that had me meeting strangers for three days straight. That was so much fun and I cannot wait to do it again this year.

So I invite the Widney Woman and her guy J, who I hadn't had the chance to meet before and instead of wanting to puke when they said they'd love to come I was so looking forward to seeing them. I will admit to a moment of -"oh my gosh" when they pulled up in front of the house. It's kind of a surreal moment when you're meeting some one in person that you've only interacted with online before, but it's gone the second you start talking. ML was actually asking me what it was like, but it's one of those experiences that is hard to explain unless you've been there.

I am so glad and thankful they took time to visit with us. It was great to further reaffirm what I already knew about them online. Conversation was easy and Mike and I would have loved the chance to chat with them longer. We'll have to try for a more one on one visit the next time they cross the border. Big thanks to the Widney Woman for showing me real life bloggy meet ups are awesome!

Have you ever had a bloggy meet up?


Goofball said...

they are fun, aren't they?

yes I've met Jenn in Holland when she was living in Holland (repatriated back to the US a few years ago and stopped blogging) and her real good blogging friend Soccer Mom in Denial( when we were in Boston.
However those meetings have been quite short

Ironically enough I've hardly met bloggers in the neighbourhood , except for one who in the mean time did become friends and whom my husband and I regularly see socially.

I had hoped to meet Jenn from but we didn't make it to Calgary on our trip :( :(.

Leah said...

not a bloggy meet-up exactly, but I have met three different ladies I met online in an online "birth club". One, I met in person when Dan and I and the kids traveled back to Pittsburgh to visit his extended family, and she made the drive over from Ohio to join us as a theme park for the day (Kaci, who comments here; she and I are SUPER close, despite having only met in person ONCE!). The other was Betsy (who also comments here), who lives a couple of hours away from where my family vacations in the summer, so she drives over and meets us for a day while we vacation (plus has driven to my house once!). The last lives in AZ, but has family near-ish me, so twice now has come visit me at my house during her travels through my area.

I'm glad you had such a nice visit with your bloggy friend!!!


It was so wonderful seeing you again. Do you remember how I got you to meet me the first time? I BRIBED you. I knew how scared you were of meeting new people for the first time so I told you I had a surprise for you. That got you curious enough to meet me. It was a box of cornbread mix. You had blogged that you couldn't get it in your part of the world so I brought some for you. I think of you every time I make cornbread, whether from the box or from scratch.

I recently met a blogosphere friend in Ann Arbor, MI. My mom was concerned I would get killed by her so I didn't tell my mom going in to it. Only afterwards. When I survived. Jen was absolutely delightful and I'm glad we met.

There are many other people I have met via Twitter or Facebook or my blog and met in person. Each time, there is a little twinge of the unknown. But ultimately, there is a level of knowing these people. We probably know them better than we know our next door neighbors, yet still, that fear of the unknown has us up the night before the meeting, wondering if it will be our last night on earth.

Thank you for not killing me or even trying to on either of the occasions we have met. I'm truly closer to you than many of the friends I share my daily life with. I love your family and you have amazing friends. It was great to meet them as well. And I got to see the outside of your house!!!