Friday, September 09, 2011

friday high five - the real deal

I'm a lucky girl, ya know. I've got some really great people in my life. People who make me smile. People who are the real deal.

So for this week's Friday High Five..... real deal peeps who are making me smile this week.

1. Maureen. Who read this post about Maya always looking for mail and took the time to mail a card and HORSE!! stickers to BOTH my girls.

2. TLP, my Mama's world class BFF. She's so great I may forgive her for buying herself a Kobo... she did bring it over and let me play with it.... then she bought my Mom one for her birthday. She is certainly the ying to my Mom's yang and I'm happy to have her as part of the family.

3. Abby & Maya's former kindergarten teacher, who's been keeping in touch with me. She is an amazing teacher and a lovely woman that I am having fun getting to know outside of school. I wonder if her new school knows how lucky they are to have her.

4. All of our parents, who have been tremendous in helping us transition into our new life.

5. My work girls, who have just been on fire this week with the funny. I love funny chicks!

Who's been making you smile?

1 comment:

Betsy Hart said...

I love seeing the things that make you smile. It makes me think about what makes me smile!