Friday, September 02, 2011

now anxiety free

By and large I'm a pretty easy chick to get along with. I'm not easily offended, not too demanding, I'm pleasant and not one to get easily stressed. All that being said, there are some things that can send my anxiety levels off the charts.

Number one...... Halloween. Oh yes, Halloween, my arch nemesis. What a stomach ache that can give me. I do not like people dressed in costumes. Doesn't matter if it's grown ups or little kids. I feel incredibly anxious when there is some one in a costume near me.

Funny story....... the first year we took Abby to the Santa Claus parade doesn't TC, the Tiger Cats mascot, make a beeline right for me. I'm sitting on the curb with my baby and nowhere to go as this giant headed tiger comes right at me. I was beginning to hyperventilate and then he touched me. Oh my gosh, I nearly died on the spot. He leaned down so his giant head was close to mine and I heard him say..... I know you! Then he walked away. Walked away! Ack! What I didn't realize at the time was a friend from high school was inside that Tiger costume. Last I'd heard he was rocking it as Bruiser for the Bulldogs and now he's Pigskin Pete. Super great guy and he's just awesome at what he does. He'd probably die if he knew he almost killed me that day.

So yeah, no love for Halloween... or so it seems. Last year I willingly went to a Halloween party, in costume, without my social security blanket.... aka Michael. Even better, I didn't know anybody outside of the hosts and ML & T, who I'd gone with. What? Craziness! I had a blast trick or treating with ML and our guys and all our kids. Then just a couple of weeks ago I was in Michaels going crazy over all the cool Halloween decorations. Who am I turning into?

Then there is back to school. Oh my gosh, the anxiety I suffered over going back to school. You would think that would all end once I finished school, but nope. I could feel my anxiety levels creeping higher and higher as soon as I saw the shelves being stocked with reams of paper, back packs, duotangs and trapper keepers. It didn't matter I didn't need any of that stuff, just knowing it was that time of the year was enough to put me on edge.

Then the other evening the girls and I were discussing going back to school. Not surprisingly we've got one all for going back to school and another one who would rather hang with her friends and ride her bike for another month or two. I'll let you work out which one is which. So as we sit there discussing teachers and such it hits me. I feel not one iota of anxiety. Abby goes back to school on Tuesday and I haven't had to breathe into a paper bag about it. I can't even tell you how awesome it is, but really who am I turning into? I'm not sure, but gosh I really think I love her.


Betsy Hart said...

woo hoo! That is wonderful news! =)

Leah said...

can I just say how HARD I laughed at loud at the whole tiger costume bit???? hahahahaha! I'm so sorry to laugh at your traumatic event, but the whole mental image and your written words were/are absolutely hysterical! "I know you!" and runs off.... You must have had nightmares! LOL!