Some how I always manage to be surprised when January rolls around and I'm faced with the realization that you are another year older. At times I have a hard time believing you are six already. It seems like you have only been here a minute yet at the same time you've been here forever. I can't even imagine what we ever did before you showed up to make this family complete

You are still determined to take the long way around. Not long ago we had you at the hospital getting you checked out after a tumble at school. That happens a fair bit, actually. Well not the hospital bit, but the tumbles. We average one "oops note" a week from school. Oops Maya tripped and bumped her knee. Oops Maya bumped her head on her hook and so on. I think you get that klutzy bit from you Dad. This particular tumble those was bigger than an "oops note", it was more an oops we think she may have broken her hand sort of situation. It was as we sat there waiting to see the doctor that I first realized your lisp was gone. That cute little adorable lisp had just disappeared. I remembered that the speech therapist had said it could take until you turned six to master the 's' sound and in typical Maya fashion you took it right to the limit.

Oh MyPie, you continue to be a riddle. I was overwhelmed to the point of tears to see you up on stage performing in the Christmas pageant at church and you were so incredibly proud of yourself. You told me that you loved being in the show and yet you still refuse to sing with the kids at church. You are the Queen of practicing though. Every Sunday when they call for the junior choir I ask if you would like to go up and every Sunday you shake you head and say no, thank you, I'm still too shy. You leap into Auntie Mel's arms when you see her, but you continue to make Uncle Dave work for your attention. You are excelling at school, but the day Dad and I were there you had a hard time getting through the morning routine because you were suddenly too shy.

And school, my gosh you love school. You cannot wait to get to grade one so you can go every day. Your first day back after Christmas break you unpacked your backpack of all the kindergarten stuff convinced you were starting grade one. It was a new year after all. You were heartbroken to learn you have six more months of kindergarten to go. You love to read and to be read to. This past week you brought a reading award home, 53 books since the beginning of the school year.

You love being with family. Love quiet nights at home playing boards games or watching movies. Love sleep overs with the grandparents. You have an endless supply of hugs and kisses. Blankey is still your best friend. You continue to be a picky eater. Whenever you are ready to outgrow that little bit of fun is just fine with me. You've started eating cheddar cheese, but how chicken nuggets appear to be off the list. You still love to crawl into my lap for a snuggle and you hero worship your sister. Not that you guys don't have your spats because you do and you can hold your own. I can't wait to see what six will bring us.
I love you baby girl, to the moon and back.
Mama xo
She is so cute!! =) Make them stop growing. XO
Happy Birthday, Maya! She's such a cutie.
And now I must know - where did you get that Perry the Platypus mask? FABULOUS.
Oh so sweet! Happy Birthday Maya! My son (in grade 1) was also disappointed when he realized that he wasn't starting 2nd grade after the holidays. Kids are so funny.
She is adorable! I love reading your "letter" to her. Happy birthday sweet girl!!
Adorable! I just LOVE those last two photos of her: such a cutie! I still can't believe she is six and it's been three years since I could barely zip up my coat over my big belly at her 3rd B-Day party! Time. Flies.
Happy Birthday Maya!
Happy Birthday to your big 6 year old! She has grown in leaps and bounds since I've started following your blog, and I am just amazed at how the time has flown. She's been a blessing and joy to your family and it's been so fun reading about your journies together. It hasn't always been easy, but it's always been worth it, and it's so evident from you're writing just how much the birthday girl is loved and cherished. What a beautiful letter to her!
awesome pictures, sweet post!
Kaci -if only we could.
Lynn - it's actually a blindfold and it came in the Phineas and Ferb's 104 days of Summer Vacation board game. Abby got it for Christmas this year. The whole family enjoyed it.
Chantal - That is so funny. Nice to know mine wasn't the only one.
Betsy - Thanks :)
AK - I know, it seems like yesterday. Thanks D.
Leah - Awww thanks Leah.
Goofball - thanks :)
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