Monday, May 28, 2012

tie dye

Friday was a rare treat for me, I booked off work so I could spend the day volunteering at Abby and Maya's school. Once a year council organizes MI Day. A day of fun and learning for the kids. This year we had the reptile man, a story teller, a Cuban percussion ensemble, Mad Science and some of the Moms volunteered to tie dye shirts with the all the kids in the school.


The kids loved it and it was so much fun to see how all the shirts turned out. We ran our tails off. We had 50 minutes with each group of kids, if we were lucky we had one class, but we did double up classes a couple of times. We had a 10 minute break in between each group which just barely gave us enough time to get set up for the next round. Thankfully I had convinced my Mom to come out and help. I'm not sure we would have managed without her. I gave her a 30 second crash course and we were off to the races!

I have tie dyed a few times now and it really is a lot of fun and probably easier than what you would think. A couple of pro-tips for you, free of charge. Wear all black, then it doesn't matter where the dye flies because it will fly. Especially when the little ones are squeezing the bottle. Invest in a kit that comes with squeeze bottles, it's way quicker and easier that way. Oh and bleach will remove most of the dye you will get on yourself. We had it on our arms, hands, legs and feet by the time the day was done.


I am so happy to be a part of this school and I was thrilled I got to be a part of this day and that I got to share it with some of my favourite people!



Goofball said...

very colorful & fun

Leah said...

Looks soooo neat seeing the shirts all lined up along the fence like that! Sounds like a super awesome day