Monday, March 16, 2015

world down syndrome day

The girls and I spent some time this afternoon preparing our #CoffeeOnRicky gift cards. You can read the story behind the hashtag here.


This year I had two dollars loaded onto 21 gift cards with the idea that the kids and I would drop there here and there as we made our way around town this week. Tonight we took a small handful with us on our weekly library visit and stashed them here and there.


The girls and I giggled over my favourite Ricky stories as we stuck on the labels and stuffed the envelopes. I love so many things about this project, it makes me incredibly happy and sad at the same time. I hope whoever happens to find a #CoffeeOnRicky card this week an tell how much we all loved him and  feels a little bit of his beautiful sunshine.

1 comment:

Betsy Hart said...

That is such an amazing way to celebrate his life. =)