Sunday, March 16, 2008

what i love about sunday #3

The first barbecue of the season. Mmmm. Burgers Mike grilled in the driveway after he dragged the barbecue out from where we'd stored it for the winter. That's how desperate we are to pretend spring is on it's way.

Finished knitting another hat, even if it did end up being too small for Abby. Again. Into the donation box it goes, so all was not lost.

Watching a movie with Mike that my secret boyfriend, Luke Wilson, had a cameo in. Mmmm Luke Wilson.

Hershey's kisses, the New York Cheesecake version. They are delicious. No, I will not share. I've hidden them, so don't bother looking.

That our junior choir appears to be growing. We had 6 kids singing this morning, triple what we usually have.

That attending church service this morning was uneventful. Sure Maya still chatted through some of the service, but nothing was broken, nobody cracked their head, there was no screaming, no crying and no shouting out - "where'd Gamma go" through the entire service. Hallelujah.


Anonymous said...

I had Hershey's Kisses today! The original version :)

After reading this, I want to fire up the barbeque.

Kellan said...

I love a good BarBQ!!! I also love Hershy Kisses - well, anything Hershey! Hope you had a good weekend - see you soon. Kellan

Mommy Project said...

Just how many secret boyfriends do you think you are entitled to?? Tell you can have *both* Luke and Owen if I can have Johnny C and Vince-baby.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that there were New York Cheesecake kisses!!! I'm going to have to try those.

Anonymous said...

Our bbq died at the end of summer last year. We need a new one! You made my mouth water!

Gerbil said...

New york cheesecake kisses???????

Shan said...

Angella - the original version is good too.

Kellan - anything chocolate is good with me.

Mommy - I believe according to the rules I am allowed five. I will consider your offer though.

canearl - oh you should.

that family - sorry.

gerbil - oh yes! They are so good!

anno said...

A BBQ! Lovely! And I am envious... A sweet list that warmed my heart as well. Thanks for posting this.