Thursday, June 03, 2010

a girl, we had a girl

I just spent the better part of tonight baking and decorating lemon sugar cookies. Turquoise stars for Abby to take to school to share with her classmates. They look adorable.

And now I shall crawl into my bed and tomorrow morning when I wake up I will be the very proud momma of a brand new 8 year old. It seems like just yesterday I was in the operating room listening to my brand new baby cry and asking Mike - Did we have a girl or a boy?


Scatteredmom said...

Hubs told me, "It's a boy!" To which I snorted, "No, it's a CONE HEAD."

I'm such a loving Mama. I think the ladies checked the amount of drugs in my system.

Happy birthday to your adorable 8 year old! :)

Bibliomama said...

Oh yay. Abby Birthday. Now I want to make turquoise star cookies. Once Eve was out I was so relieved I briefly (okay, not so briefly) forgot I didn't know if it was a boy or a girl. And my boy was a total conehead too.

Norma-ann said...

Jamie was the only one we didn't know the sex of. When she was born and the doctors said, "it's a girl!" I said, "Why is her hair so dark?!" Nevermind that s's hair is black! Ha! I just couldn't understand how my baby's hair could be So Dark!! Well, it all fell out and came back blonde.

Happy Birthday to your girl.

P.s. Maddie loved the cookie. She wants to make some more now...