Wednesday, January 13, 2021

52 docs

Rather than announcing true New Year Resolutions, I mean there is always stuff to work on, personally, but I am finding myself on the side of keeping those goals quiet and to myself, I did, however want to embark on a little project of sorts. I mean, one of many I am sure. This never ending quarantine, with a side order of state of emergency and a stay at home order, allows free time for projects. This one will be fun, I think and perhaps branch off to other things. 

This year I pledge to watch 52 documentaries.

I am endlessly interested in people's stories. I firmly believe it makes me far more empathetic and understanding in my general day to day life. Also you end up with a crap-ton of talking points for whenever we are once gain allowed to gather in groups. Did you know  what would evolve into the lego factory/company burned to the ground 3 times before it took over the world with it's little plastic bricks? 

I plan on documenting this project here and perhaps sharing on facebook just for the ease of conversation. FB is a little bit of a dumpster fire these days, with everyone trying to yell their opinions louder and, at times, meaner than everyone else. I just hang out there to keep in touch with far flung family, friends etc. As much fun as I have watching documentaries, I really love discussing them afterwards. My kids say if they had a dollar for every time I started a sentence with, I watched this documentary...... or I heard on a podcast. They'd be set for life. 

I'm not quite sure how to roll this out.... pick a singular posting day? Post as I watch? Double up on documentary posting if I am getting ahead of myself? Meh I am sure it will work itself all out as I go.

Plan to post my thoughts on the first doc I watched this year tomorrow!


Lynn said...

Yay! This sounds like a fascinating project! Can't wait to hear more and I'm sure I will find lots of great shows to watch from this - I also love a documentary.

Goofball said...

curious to hear aboout your project and what documentaries you choose