Monday, December 20, 2021

33/52 - This Changes Everything


This Changes Everything (2018) - This one I picked because it was ready to disappear of one of my streaming services and sometimes that is enough of a motivator for me. This Changes Everything is a collection of interviews from some of the entertainment world's greats on the topic of gender discrimination in their industry. 

Interviews with Meryl Streep, Geena Davis, Natalie Portman, Shonda Rimes, and more show how difficult it for women in film. The statistics presented are surprising, for example only five women have been nominated for director of the year in 90 years of the Oscars. I mean does that seem plausible? That only five women created work that could be deemed Oscar worthy? Perhaps if you get the statistic on how many women directed films in that time period. The recap of the legal battles by the American Civil Liberties Union and the Directors Guild of America I found to be very interesting, but to me the most compelling bits were the personal stories shared by the women themselves. 

You can watch this on Netflix.

1 comment:

Panty Buns said...

Both the interviews and the recap of the legal battles by the ACLU and DGA sound great.
It is absolutely unforgivable that the writing, directing, scripts and casts of television and movies have been so monopolised by and focused on males and male perspectives. That the Bechdel test even exists is a testament to how sex-discriminatory, patriarchal and often misogynistic institutions and corporate boards are that have been allowed to control what is available for us to watch - the patriarchal bias is a continuing scandal.