Saturday, April 12, 2008

this conversation is rated pg-13

"Mom, I know what another word for a wiener is!"

I freeze where I am, my mind racing through the endlessly possibilities of what could come out of her mouth after a statement like that. I slowly turn to face her, she's looking at me expectantly. Waiting for me to chime in with an appropriate response to keep this conversation going.

"Pardon?" I manage to squeak out.

"I know what another word for wiener is. I do!"

"And what would that be?" I ask even though I am afraid to hear the answer.

"Hot dog. Some people like to call them hot dogs."


Angela said...

So right

Hum I think you have a dirty mind.

(I would have thought the same thing)


Don Mills Diva said...

Get your mind out of the gutter girl!


Leah said...

We actually encourage the use of the appropriate names for body parts so that wouldn't have been such a horrifyingly suspensive moment in our house! That's pretty funny though!

Melissa said...

Oh how funny!

Shan said...

Angela - you may be right.

Diva - No kidding.

Leah - We do too, but since she's been riding the school bus with 12 year old boys there have been some interesting additions to her vocabulary.

Melissa - I thought so too.

Mommy Project said...

LOL. You got me. I thought that was going to go differently, too.


Gerbil said...

HILARIOUS. Seriously. I nearly snorted my coffee out my nose.