Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dear Abby

Well last week you turned 8 and I'm still not quite sure how that happened. And I know everybody says that about their kids. I'm sure Granny is wondering how I got to be cough thirty-seven cough. It's just not that your 8 and time went by so fast, but that I can barely remember what my life looked like before you. As much as it seems like the past eight years have passed in a blink it also feels you've been here, taking up this giant piece of my heart forever. I mean, I had your Dad and he's pretty great company, but everything just became more after you pushed your way, bum first*, into our family. More fun, more sweet, more laughter, more love... just more.

I feel a real shift with you now. We're clearly entering the next stage. The little kid stuff is behind us. You're a tween and it's something we're both going to have to adjust to. I'm going to do my best to be patient with you and I hope you can do the same for me. This may be your first time being a tween, but it's my first time being a Mom to a tween. So far I think we're doing a good job navigating the murky waters. I'm not looking for you to grow up too quick, but think I you need to know what to expect as we get there. I've been pretty proud of both of us and the conversations we've had. You're asking some great and thoughtful questions which at times can be very funny in their innocence. For me, I'm managing to answer them and appear like a grown up at the same time.

I am endlessly proud of the person you are becoming. You have a huge heart and you love big with it. You're always looking to see the best in people, even when they may not deserve it... in my opinion anyway. You're also sensitive. I know of at least one Carrie Underwood song that brings tears to your eyes. The helium balloon you let go of a year ago still upsets you because it was a gift from someone you love and you lost it. It doesn't help that a year later that damn balloon is still stuck in that tree across the street. The one you can see from your bedroom window, an endless reminder that you let someone down... even though you didn't. You're giving and helpful, whether it be helping with dishes after coffee at church or collecting canned goods instead of birthday gifts. You're a great big sister and I know you'll "mother" Maya above and byond the call of duty when she heads off to school next September.

You're my social butterfly. When you get home from school you're here just long enough to drop your backpack and then you're off to find someone in the neighbourhood to play with. Age doesn't much matter to you, younger or older if they're willing to let you play too then you're in. You're lucky that your bestest friends live on our street and you move very comfortably in between their houses and ours. I'm always happy to hear reports back from their parents that you're a nice guest when you're visiting their houses.

Your enthusiasm for school has cooled a bit, but that's likely more to do with your academic struggles. It's been somewhat of a trying year as you've had three different teachers. Earlier this year we agreed to have you put on an IEP (individual education plan) to help you conquer your reading struggles. I happy to say you've improved your reading level from a 12 to an 18 this term.

You are still madly in love with your riding lessons and continue to enjoy choir. You always have a big smile on your face when you're doing both. You still prefer music and art over any kind of an organized sport, but you have started joining in on the ball hockey and soccer games that the kids play across the street. Now that summer is upon us I expect you'll spend every moment you can in the pool, my little fish. You're looking forward to summer vacation and all the fun that entails and when you head back to school in September you'll be in grade three and out of the "baby" wing, but really you're still my baby. For always.

I can't wait to see what 8 will bring us.

Love Mama xo

*I am your Mother and as such I have earned the right to constantly remind you of your bum first delivery.


Goofball said...

what a warm sweet loving letter to an incredible daughter!

Pam said...

I love this letter. What a nice way to celebrate your wonderful growing girl. My baby turns 7 soon and I may do the same.