Monday, October 13, 2014

happy thanksgiving

We spent the weekend in the very best way, with family and turkey and dessert. There were walks on the trail with a drunken toddler. Gosh I forgot how long it takes you to walk even a short distance when the little ones have to check out every rock, stick and pebble along the way. Good thing the World's Cutest Nephew has me totally under his charm. There were multiple hands of Apples to Apples and even more hands of Cards Against Humanity once the little ones were safely tucked into bed. My sides are still hurting from the laughing. There were books to read to the World's Cutest Nephew..... and that may have been the only time he sat still all weekend. Little boys are busy, yo! There were stories and laughs to share, dogs to walk, a Gord Bamford concert to squeeze in, a barn to tour, sleepovers to have, breakfast to share, multiple cups of coffee to share, besties to catch up with and Seinfeld to watch. I am so thankful for weekends just like this. For the beautiful people who make up my life and fill my heart. For all of the parents who love us and our kids so very much. For brothers and sisters and friends who most certainly have become family. For days full of plans and jammie days. For good books and family nights. For volunteering and volunteering friends and bloggy friends I've never met. For chocolate cake and pumpkin pie.... oh wait.... not pumpkin pie because, blerg! I m thankful for all the little things that round out this lovely little life we've made here. I hope you all had a lovely weekend as well.


Julie Leclair said...

i'm with you on the pumpkin pie. blergh! sounds like a lovely weekend.

Betsy Hart said...

That sounds like a fantastic day!