Saturday, March 19, 2011

girls day

Today was the big day.... Girl's Day. I think this is a five year old tradition. Every year for March Break Grandma Linda gets us tickets to see Disney on Ice. We did skip one year and saw the Backyardigans Live instead because the show that year was High School Musical and Abby was too young for that to even be on her radar.


Once again we kept it a secret from the girls. Only saying it was time to have a girl's day. If you've been hanging around here for a while, then you know that Abby is always completely oblivious to where we are going, even when the evidence is right in her face. We were wondering though, if this would be the year that she figured it out before we got there. She had mentioned Disney on Ice a couple of time the past week, wanting me to find out when it was coming back.


So, was this it? Was this the year? Almost. It finally all came together as we lined up outside the arena to go in. Usually we get her all the way into the venue and even then we have to tell her why she's there. She thought we were going to see Gnomeo and Juliet, so she was bummed for about 60 seconds, but then.....


the show started.


And there were Disney celebs to wave too....


and Disney Villians to dispense of. You accomplish that by yelling BOO!, by the way.


We had really great seats, right at the corner of the ice. So we had lots of close up peeks at the skaters.


The light up souvenirs, that was what I thought might tip Abby off because we brought last year's toys with us. Maya's fit in my purse, but Abby got a big wand, so we had to carry it in. When Abby asked me why we had it I told her in case it was too dark in the theater and she bought it.


Why did we bring last year's toys? Well consider this a blogmother PSA - if you bring last year's model in you can exchange it straight up for this year's model. So today we handed back the wand and the heart in a globe toys Grandma Linda bought them last year and got brand new Minnie spinny light up thingys instead. Did you have any idea you could do that? I didn't until the guy who sold them to us last year mentioned it. I'd never heard of that before so I tried googling it and nothing comes up on the internet about it that I could find, but it's true. We ended up having to pay $2 because Abby's wand was $2 cheaper, but Maya's was a straight trade and it will be a straight trade next year if we go and take them back. Now don't you wish somebody had told you that?


Another fantastic girls day. Even if I was feeling way less than stellar. Nothing perks me up more than seeing my girls having the time of their lives. I'm not quite sure who enjoys Disney on Ice more... me or them or Grandma Linda. Hands down one of my favourite days of the year.


Bibliomama said...

omg, that's so awesome. What's the learning curve, huh? How fun.

Goofball said...


Betsy Hart said...

What a fun tradition! =)

Julie said...

the jellybean really enjoyed it as well. good info on the trade in. when you have to fork out $22 a pop, it's good to know it's an investment that can last a few years!!